To produce saltwater...
You'll need:
-2 weeks with people you've never met before
-exhausting days in the outback, climbing objects that you really don't feel the need to climb
-long evenings after dark, with good conversations and possibly a ready-for-use narghile (waterpipe)
-a dutch buddy with shared interests in life, love and religion
-a spanish beauty filled with intellect, humour and a very, very sharp tongue
Last, but not at all least, you're going to have to say goodbye to it all at the end.
This part is, however, not easy.
It's been a long ride...
But I'm satisfied. I've experienced all the right ingredients and I'm still alive.
Thank God.
Don't get me wrong, I haven't thought much about the present disturbances down here in Isreal. Sorry to say, I can't really speak on my mother's behalf on this matter.
The people down here are all calm. They know what to do, what not to do, where to go, where not to go and so on. They've experienced it before. This is their average day, one could say.
Now that my saltwater tank is empty, I can safely sleep for about 5 hours.
Then I will begin my journey back home. Even though it is something I don't really want to do, I guess it must be done. In the end, we always find our way back home anyway, right?
Don't worry, Israel. I will be back.
Eg forstår at Israelsturen har vore vellukka! Får me ei oppsummering av kva du har vore med på her på bloggen? Eller vil du heller ta den face to face?
Face2face, Arne. Face2face :)
du æ jammen go i engelsk du ^^
å sei hade æ det værsta eg vett... men en trist avskjed gjer gjennsynet ennå meir gledeligt ;)
Takk Helena!
I lige jaffal å tru eg e det :D
Ja, håbe eg får sjå de igjen snart...
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